Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Price of Looking Good

Ever find yourself getting used to seeing 9 year olds in Chanel sunglasses, drinking water bought at Sephora, and paying over $100 a month to join a gym? There's an overstimulation of the shallow here in LA. And after a while, you get somewhat desensitized. You don't realize that THIS JUST ISN'T NORMAL until, well, someone not from here tells you that it's not. Or when you've been out of the loop so long that you feel like you're not from around here and you get to see this world from a new perspective.

Ever since Those Days That Can't Be Named, I've been cautiously venturing out and meeting people. I have the week off work, and you know that with free time comes the spending of cash. Many of the meeting places with people are in shopping areas. Such is the nature of LA. I found myself buying a $15 deodorant and Beauty Water. I've also bought a lot of other things. And what I really want now is an Equinox gym membership. But at over $100 a month, it's a bit pricey...or is it?

I have an excellent gym in my apt complex, but it doesn't offer me classes, which I love. Do I need Mat Pilates, Yoga Glow, Boot Camp and Brand New Booty classes? And does it make sense that I'm sure to go to the gym more often if I pay so much for it? And really, considering how much people spend on cigarettes and Starbucks per month (none of which I do), isn't a mere $100 a month on my health and appearance justifiable?

Because really, after the post-bar blues, you at least want to look and feel fabulous. And in 100+ days, when results come out, you REALLY want to -- at LEAST -- look good.


calbar blondie said...

If the Equinox offers Boot Camp and the $100 includes unlimited classes, that is actually a good deal. It's a killer workout, too!
Enjoy your time off, blawg'!

Richard said...

I REALLY need to get back on the treadmill - will happen soon!