Friday, July 13, 2007

A Conversation that went Everywhere

Scene: Borders.

(Cell phone vibrates. It's husband.)

Me: (Quietly) Hi.

Husband: What are you doing?

M: What do you think I'm doing? I'm at Borders.

H: Oh. I'm home from work.

M: Ok.

H: I'm gonna go to the gym. Do you have to study tonight?

M: Yes.

H: What do you want to eat for dinner?

M: I don't know. There's stuff in the fridge.

H: Hey, did you pay my parking this month? I can't get out of the garage.

M: Um...I don't know. I don't think so.

H: Well, I can't get out of the garage!

M: Then go pay it!

H: Where -

M: It's the entrance on Randall St.!

H: Where's Randall?

M: The street directly behind us!! The entrance! It's the only one!

H: Oh. How -

M: Take the checkbook. It's on the desk, labeled, "Checkbook."

H: Oh, ok. (Sounds a bit defeated)

M: (Agitated) What's wrong?! Are you mad?

H: (Confused) No...

M: Because if something's wrong, just tell me! Are you not telling me because I'm studying and you're waiting to tell me after the bar so I'm not distracted? Because it makes me even more stressed out!

H: Nothing's wrong.

M: Just tell me now!

H: No, nothing's wrong!

M: (Somewhat calmer) Okaaaaay..... I guess I'll see you at home in about an hour and a half.


Emily said...

oh so familiar...

Richard said...

"after the bar" - I use that soooo much...

Anonymous said...

I know, I laid down the law and said I was NOT doing any errands until after the bar, so if he wanted anything done he'd either have to do it himself or wait. Amazing how people expect us to rememeber everything else while we're studying for the bar. I always get so forgetful about everything else during this time.