Monday, July 23, 2007

Like trying to hold water in your cupped hands...

I'm afraid to shake my head too hard because some detail of law will fall out. I woke up today and tried to read through some MBE tips. I'm going to hit the gym downstairs while reading a "fun" book and do some light ellipticals, eat, pack, and head on over to the hotel. During the drive, I will risk an accident by going through my Hot Topics cheat sheets and attempting to hammer some details into my head.

I'll then check in, get settled, and meet up with Blondie. Followed by light review, relaxing again with "fun" book, hitting the Ambien, and in bed by 10:30.

Wouldn't it be nice if we had 2 days of testing? Then after tomorrow, we can say, "Oh, one more day!" I think it's psychological benefits would be monumental. ;) Anyway, to everyone out there who's read this blog, thanks for all your support and comments. It's been great having such acceptance and support from similarly situated people! You know as well as I do that it's difficult to find that in us law folks (i.e. law school!). This is my first and only blog, and I'm not one to share my dirty laundry, so it's been a very therapeutic experience for me. I really enjoyed following everyone else's blogs too -- I hope you'll all keep it up after the bar!

As for me, I'll try and post throughout the exam and will also continue posting afterwards. I think at this point, we can only look forward and not beat ourselves up about what we "should have" done. We have to do the best we can with what we have now. And most of all, let's keep this in perspective. We have our family, health, and our friends...passing the bar is a bonus.

That being said, let's rock this thing!


Richard said...

hehe so true! I keep just looking through notes and imagining a possible question on every specific part of law I look at and thinking - i really should just learn that bit in case!

Good luck for it all! :)

Anonymous said...

Amiable post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.