Saturday, July 07, 2007

Not Too Shabby

Managed to do two 3 hour sets of work at the library and at Borders, followed by a couple hours at home. I have to break it up into pieces like that, or I start to itch (literally). I got through every single essay posted on the Cal Bar website (since like 2001 or something?) and listed all the essays. I'm typing up a list of the issues and the number of times they come up on the bar. Tomorrow, I'm going to write out the rule statements for each issue, by subject, and use that as my "Hot Topics!" cheat sheet on focus areas. I figure it'll be good for a general overview of important issues as well. I also tried to get through some Property questions, and am still muddling through them as a matter of fact!

Now, I'm going to type up my list and watch some "Where the Heart Is" (love that Wal-mart baby movie!) with husband and eat some sushi. The cold is still kicking in full gear but thank God, it's mostly congestion and occasional coughing. It's tolerable. I'm hoping to get lots of rest and nipping this NOW. Let's keep up the pace folks...the end is in sight. =)


Richard said...

wow that's a really good idea... i'm sposed to look at corporations today... doubt it will come up but it's always been a weak area for me!

calbar blondie said...

I love that movie, too. Saw it the first time on a cross-country flight without sound, and it was still adorable! That is one of Ashley Judd's best roles ever.