Monday, July 30, 2007

Life is going on...

Well, my skin is getting better and I've had alcohol twice since the bar exam! In a lucky twist of fate, I don't have to return to work until Friday, so I've got some time to decompress and catch up on the details of my life that have been neglected for the past two months. I've packed my bar books away, unpacked everything, and have made a good start on organizing my place. Today, I'm going to do exciting things such as buy a rug, go to the grocery store, stop by the post office, return DVDs, and go to the gym!

My nesting instincts kick into full mode in these situations, when I need to have control over my life. I like to organize everything. I do believe that many eating disorders occur in situations like this, when people need to "control" something...not to fear, I will never have a problem eating!

Current Mood: Still trying to calm down, cautiously relieved, with periodic twists of anxiety.


Richard said...

hehe was it a good rug? I've been busy killing brain cells when i get chance too - hopefully it isn't brain cells i might need come november but i'll worry about that when the time comes! :)

calbar blondie said...

Your schedule sounds like mine. My office is still too crowded with study aids and bar review paraphernalia.
Rug shopping sounds like a great alternative to what we were doing last Tuesday at this time!!