Monday, July 09, 2007

Scalps & Starbucks

You know it's bad when you down 2 DayQuils, 2 Advils, and a multi vitamin but still can't shake the headache. You know the one. The one that comes at you with a dull throbbing induced by hours of staring at your computer screen.

Add to that and itchy scalp. I've mentioned the stress-induced itching before, right? It makes me shower very frequently, because I never feel "clean." I'm sure there are some psychological issues in there, but suffice it to say that the bar exam process makes me feel dirty. All that washing of my hair makes my scalp dry, but I can't stand not washing my hair every day! So I went to Sephora and spent $67 on a Rene Furterer intense scalp oil treatment AND a dry shampoo that's supposed to get me through the every-other-day-shampooing. The theory is that this combination will relieve my scalp and my obsession for clean hair.

And just yesterday? I was sitting in Starbucks, itching away, when I kept noticing all the pretty girls in their cute clothes and impeccable makeup breezing in to order their venti non-fat, skinny iced vanilla lattes. They were carefree, chatting on their cell phones, rummaging through their Louis Vuittons, and breezing back out the door, off somewhere fabulous. And I just sat there in my corner, makeup-free, in sweats, bleary eyed and itchy. I swear, they glanced over at me and shuddered before quickly looking away. You know how sometimes you see people and you're kinda embarrassed for them and can't really look at them?

Yep, that person is me.

I need to go to a less fashionable Starbucks. Back to Border's for me.


Anonymous said...

This is hilarious - I know exactly what you mean. Two more weeks!

calbar blondie said...

I woke up this morning with chronic exzema on my hands. It always coincides with my nerves, and with these stupid endless dreams of mbe fact patterns!

DroitFemme said...

That is so funny, I just bought the same Rene Furterer stuff! Let me know how you like it!

Anonymous said...

I've been taking 2 showers a day too! Well I wash my hair in the mornings, and then later in the day I'll just shower and not wash my hair just to rinse off and feel better afterwards. Bar prep makes me feel filthy and greasy too!