Friday, July 06, 2007

Do or Die

Post-4th of July = Do or Die time in the bar world. There are fiery debates ranging in bar exam world as to whether we can pass this thing if we just focus hard enough now. Many say that after the 4th is when the "serious" studying begins while others insist that it should have begun a month ago.

The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, depending on the individual. The key is to study smart and to focus. It's not about the hours we log in, it's about the deliberate way we choose to study.

Now, if only I weren't sick. I've been feeling under the weather for about a week, and now I'm just a congested mess. Must. Push. Forward! In good news, today was my last day of work until after the bar. Thank God. After being completely distracted and guilty, I can now focus my full energy on studying. And yay, I don't have to wake up at 6:30 anymore!!!

1 comment:

Richard said...

hehe - I read that as saying DOOR or die when i first looked at it! I always think that the majority of what you learn ends up being done in the last couple of weeks before the exam - what we done so far is good to make this coupla weeks more productive and, dare i say, easier... but now it's, like you say, Do or Die Time! :)