Friday, July 20, 2007

We can make this happen!

I don't think we can underestimate the law of attraction and the power of our subconscious. In my last post, the comments discuss the probability of reviewing a subject right before the exam, only to have it show up.

It's a matter of thinking smart, and thinking positive. We've all heard the predictions. We know that though the CA State Bar Examiners are a vile group, the stats are still helpful. Last time, people were predicting Evidence as a certainty. Sure enough, it was there. By honing in on a couple of subjects, especially on Wednesday night after 3 essays are out of the way, we have an excellent chance of predicting an essay and getting it right. Now, I'm no math whiz, but odds are actually in our favor that we can predict an essay and be prepared for it. Can you imagine reviewing Civ Pro like a maniac RIGHT BEFORE the exam, opening the test, and finding a Civ Pro question right there?! The sense of relief alone would do much for the psyche.

And of course, anyone's who's read The Secret or anything on the law of attraction knows that if we think it's gonna be on there, we're sending out waves that will make it be on there! And you know what? At this point, I'm all for it!

So, this is what I think is a "must" for the exam:

1. Professional Responsibility is always on there to some degree. Know it.

2. Remedies is almost always on there. Know it.

The above two are almost guaranteed, so we need to milk those points.

3. I'm thinking Civ Pro and Community Property.

Other things that I'm hearing a lot of buzz about are Corporations 10b5, Con Law defamation/invasion of privacy.



The Grand Poobah said...

Works for me. I just hope they test the subset of issues that I am stronger in.

Richard said...

really? I heard corps not likely... I'm hoping evidence rather than civ pro and then maybe law of crimes (i know i'm living in a dream world!).

Potter out tonite!!! :)

Emily said...

Blawgin', you're right - always PR and Remedies.

For SURE Civ Pro. Hasn't been tested since last February and would be the perfect "new" subject to test.

Contracts - UCC. I figured it would be on Feb's but it wasn't.

Crim Pro with maybe crim law or evidence mixed in.

My own predictions were pretty spot on for Feb (not that it helped me). Save for the DAMN Con law first amendment crap rearing its ugly head again and the common law Corps question. I figured fed securities law was more likely.

calbar blondie said...

I'm betting they will sneak Agency and Partnership in there as well. Possibly with PR?
I agree with LC on the Contracts/UCC. Bring it on!
Richard, are you camping out at Borders to get the book(this is what people in the States do with these events).

Blonde Blogger said...

I can't wait to hear how it goes...AND I CAN'T WAIT TO CYBER-CELEBRATE WITH YOU!!


I will be thinking of you this week....