Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Girl Who Passed

I'm in Harry Potter mode. Guess what, folks? I stayed up all night and read Book 7. Yup, some might call it crazy...and really, it's not that I couldn't wait a week, but it was because it was going to be everywhere and I didn't want the book ruined for me! So I thought, you know what? Screw it.

And for 7 delicious hours, I lost myself in the world of Harry Potter. And yes, I'm paying for it today. I slept a couple of hours, woke up, and have studied. I will continue to study and go to sleep at a decent hour, dead tired. And though I'm tired, I do feel like I can study. And hopefully, this will jump start my sleep schedule to something resembling normal before the exam. I'm really looking forward to going to bed and actually falling asleep instead of laying awake, tossing and turning while my brain races for hours on end.

I needed the escape. And the book? It was damn good. ;)


calbar blondie said...

I watched this weird movie last night with hubby that featured Kate Hudson, Gena Rowlands and this voodoo magic/haunted house in New Orleans. It was well worth the escape.
Remember, Sunday night's sleep is the key for Tuesday. So you're good.

Richard said...

hehehe - I'm around page 200 now - kinda tempted to go crazy and just finish it tonight but part of me keeps saying - just try and study and hope that you don't hear how it ends... is it worth it? lol

Anonymous said...

Last night my boyfriend and our mutual friends all went out to a bar right by my office where I study, so I gave in and joined them. I guess the moral of the story is don't drink when you are this stressed out, because we went to bed at 5 this morning and I have been nursing my worst hangover since lawschool all day. The first time I took the CA bar (Feb 07) I was good and didn't escape at all, and I just barely failed. SO. The point to all this is that it is awesome that you escaped this muggle coil for awhile, and in a healthier way than I did. We all need to run away sometimes, especially with all this shit.