Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Last 24 Hours

Well, Sunday's pretty much it for all day studying. Monday is spent getting to the hotel, settling in, and doing some light studying and basically just trying to get a decent night's sleep. Today, I focused on some spot check review on Contracts (always afraid of it!!) and had a thorough review of Remedies.

I'm nervous.

I know the stuff in theory, but it's hard for me to memorize elements for everything. Reasonable, foreseeable, justifiable reliance, causation, intent...these words are in everything in some combination or another and it's all just kinda muddles together sometimes! Oh Lord, I pray it comes together in time!

Tomorrow, I plan on trying to complete a full on MBE from the Strategies & Tactics book. If I can't do all 200, I may settle for 100 because I'm also fine tuning and printing out my Hot Topics checklists/rules for each subject. I also have to do laundry so I can have my bar exam outfits clean and ready to pack.

Monday will be spent going over the checklists, doing a review of new CA subjects, and reading through some PTs. I'm going to listen to PMBR CDs on the 2 hour drive to San Diego. Well, this is the home stretch...good luck, everyone!

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