Monday, August 06, 2007

Step by step...

Whew! It's been a whirlwind weekend. Husband and I went away for the weekend to a wedding (seems we have 5-6 a year!) and every day was packed with people to see and things to do. SO nice to live like normal people and making plans without a great big cloud looming overhead!

I feel like a toddler taking her first steps in life these that I mean that law school and the ensuing year has been fraught with tension, anxiety, stress, and uncertainty. You know what I mean. It's not regret so much as being, well, tired. I don't even know what I'm doing, and I find myself envying people who have regular, 9-5 jobs and a normal life. My life is defined by bursts of intense studying, months of worrying, and a yo-yo-ing career. Honestly, at this point, I crave routine and stablility.

I'd like to find some balance, and peace within myself. I've been reading a book by Elizabeth Gilbert called Eat. Pray. Love. and it's excellent. It was a NYT best seller and it's about a woman's pursuit of balance, love, and peace in her life. It's like Carrie Bradshaw finds yoga! But also very suitable for men to read. I'm looking for some good books to read these days, eating well, hanging out with friends, and watching movies. Rush Hour 3, anyone? =)

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