Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Weird Moods

I've been waking up with dull headaches in the mornings. I remember this. During the last bar prep period, I downed a whole bottle of Excedrin Tension Headache. it was practically my breakfast. I normally do not take medication, just the occasional Advil. I also don't smoke, do drugs, or drink coffee.

Things change.

I now like drugs (legal) and have had two cups of coffee this past week. I have yet to smoke, and I hope I don't pick up that habit. Ever notice how habits change during this stressful time? The coffee started because I literally put my head down and fell asleep, drooling, in public at Borders. I woke up with a start, tried to massage out the creases on my face and ordered some coffee. I find it goes well with chocolate chip cookies. I also never really indulged in sweets either, but now...well...

I'm still an avid fan of green tea, but it doesn't give me that instant jolt that, let's face it, I need at this point.

Oh, and the sleeping? Punctuated by weird, disturbing dreams. Which leaves me in an overall disturbed mood these days...


Emily said...

Try a multi-vitamin with lots of B vitamins, especially B-12. Stress totally depletes B vitamins (as does drinking, hangover cures are full of B vitamins.) I noticed a big difference when I finally succumbed to my mom's preaching and started taking a shot of liquid multi-vitamin stuff every mornings.

I also starting taking Trader Joe's fish oil, omega-3 capsules that many people recommended. It's supposed to make you smart or something and at this point, I'm up for anything that makes a remote representation to that effect.

Richard said...

mmmm coffee and cookies! Coffee and donuts are good too (particularly if you have access to krispy kremes which you might do - being in America!). I just been falling back into the red bull habit

The Grand Poobah said...

The dreams, Good Lord, the dreams. I knew they would start sooner or later but I didn't expect them this soon or in such great and disturbing numbers. And none of them can remotely be classified as "good" dreams. I suppose that I should be grateful that as of yet, none have been nightmares (knock on wood).

calbar blondie said...

I agree with Last Call on the fish oil, but my opthamologist(of all people!) turned me on to flax seed oil, which has similar effect. I just had to up my prescription on the reading glasses and he told me that taking flax seed oil, and eating spinach and tomatoes was good for the eyesight.
Had perfect vision until I started law school...

Anonymous said...

I've been drinking Enviga (might as well burn 100 calories as they've advertised if I can't exercise 24/7, right??) and Diet Mountain Dew for my caffeine fixes. I don't recommend mixing Enviga and Diet Dew though, I got the shakes afterwards and could hardly type. Anyway, you may want to try energy drinks since they're cheaper than coffee.

I don't do vitamins although I pay attention to my protein and calcium intake. I should start taking vitamins.

Don't get me started on dreams, I always have bar exam nightmares where I oversleep, miss the exam, my computer dies, et cetera, and I wake up sweating and gasping. Last night I had a dream that I went to my 10 year high school reunion and it was a horrible experience. For some reason Jessica Simpson was in it. I have got to stop reading TMZ.com and PerezHilton.com so much...