Sunday, June 24, 2007

This Weekend.

I went out Friday night AND Saturday night. And drank. In short, I've completed 17 MBE questions and listened to 1 Property lecture. And that one lecture was on Future Interests, which I decided I am NOT going to kill myself to learn. Anyone else feel this way about Future Interests? It'll be a couple MBEs and no essay....right? ;)

So anyway, I think I just felt like a lunatic and going out these past nights made me feel like I was doing something really leaving my family and job and running off to Italy with someone named Giovanni to live in his little Tuscan villa and drink Chianti all day...but I digress. My point being, I felt that apprehension and excitement of being a big risk taker, which just goes to show how much of a dork I am.

I hope everyone else has had more productive weekends and that you're maintaining the stress levels adequately. I feel tired, but have settled in to finish up CA Evidence. May the last remnants of this weekend be productive!


calbar blondie said...

I think I am just plain tired after outlining dozens of PT's, and looking at every imaginable PT possibility/format known to the Bar Examiners. They even repeat the same names from 27 years ago, like John O'Kane and Pier Nittardi. I think THEY go out drinking before they draft these exams!

Richard said...

Ah screw future interests! I remember last time I spent hours just trying to understand the whole contingent remainder/contingent precedent or whatever stuff - still didnt get it!

Blonde Blogger said...

Future Interests...totally let it go!! But then again, what do I know!??!?!

Don't feel bad about your weekend, you just needed a break. I am sure you were back in the saddle today....