Monday, June 18, 2007

California Rules of Evidence

A plea for help! I've just realized that my stupid Barbri long outline doesn't cover the CA distinctions in Evidence. ARG!! Does anyone have an outline or Barbri Conviser excerpt of the new rules that they'd be willing to share? I'd be happy to share any of my outlines in return...

I'm so annoyed! And I absolutely positively refuse to shell out another $500 for Conviser. I've already paid an obscene $200 for the long outline. Which means I would have paid $700 for two books! Husband says better to pay that than to fail the bar. Which is true, I suppose, but it's really a last, last resort!!

In other news, I've managed to score an appalling 45% in Con Law MBEs. Must pay attention to questions. Hopefully, you all are faring better. Maybe it's the heat. I can't seem to concentrate!


The Grand Poobah said...

Hit my blog, check my profile, shoot me an e-mail, I might have something that can help with that CEC problem you're having. Better hurry though. Looks like it's turning into a rash!


calbar blondie said...

Blawgin', you can do the same with me. My email is

Blawgin' said...

Thank you both. You guys are awesome!

calbar blondie said...

OOops, wrong email address: Too many rules floating around in the head at the moment!

Emily said...

I was about to offer up something, but calbar blondie will likely be sending you it.

calbar blondie - if I send you anything else (ie, Civ Pro info later today), feel free to forward it along to blawgin' ;) ;)

calbar blondie said...

You know, I think we need to put together a virtual study group!!!
Thank you, Last Call.

The Grand Poobah said...

The Conviser is in the mail today. Don't have it in electronic format. Let me know if you're missing anything else and I'll see what I can come up with.

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