Friday, June 22, 2007

I can't help but I losing it?

In an attempt to decompress and get past this whole studying apathy, I thought I should get a few get-away-from-it-all fun books to read while munching on something yummy. So, at Border's, I thought I'd exchange a book I bought before that I didn't want for some new ones. Using my rewards card. And gift card. Apparently, this was very difficult. And given my precarious mental state these days, I tend to overreact to situations.

Blawgin: Hi. I'd like to do an exchange. Here's the receipt. (Hand over old book and new books). Here's my Border's Rewards card.

Clerk: Whoa. One at a time!

Blawgin: (Puzzled) Um, ok. I'd like to do an exchange...

Clerk: I don't think we do returns over 30 days. This was about 35 days ago.

B: Yeah...well, this is an exchange.

C: I don't think I can do a return past 30 days.

B: (Frustrated, but trying to be nice) Well, it says here (pointing to back of receipt) that although you can't do a return past 30 days, you can do an exchange in the form of store credit at the book's current price.

C: Well, I don't know about that. Let me check. (Proceeds to cover microphone and mumble into it like some wannabe Secret Service agent)

Time passes...more time passes....line grows longer...impatient customers begin to mutter...

B: Excuse me, if you'd just look here, it says in the back that you can do an exchange!!

She ignores me.

B: Excuse me.

Ignores me.

Finally, an efficient looking clerk walks briskly by, with a pile of books.

C: Hey, can I do a exchange after 30 days?

Efficient clerk: Sure. It says so on the back of the receipt!

C: Hmm...does it? (Looks to me) I guess we can do it for you this time.

B: (Excuse me? Is she doing me a favor?! Is this not store policy?!) Gee, thanks. I also want to use my rewards card, coupon, and gift card.

C: Whoa, hold on. One at a time.


My blood pressure just shot up recalling yesterday's incident. I seriously almost turned into a complete screaming bitch. Fear of bad karma and a need to return to this Border's were the only reasons that stopped me from doing so.

The world needs to be kinder to us right now. We cannot have these irritants, they throw us completely off. Other things that have made me want to hurt people?

1. My yoga pants were hemmed an 2 inches too long. Now, I have to take them back and wait again.

2. Every day, I have to face downtown LA traffic and people either cut in front of me or don't let me in at precisely the moment I want.

3. Husband is sick and he's breathing too loud and in my direction. He's going to make me sick.

4. My boss keeps giving me stuff to do every time our eyes meet. I'm afraid to see him.

5. I hate my hair.

6. People call me and want to talk.

7. No one calls me when I want them to.

I could continue, but it's appalling. I am turning into an unreasonable bitch.


Emily said...

I am totally with you. I almost lopped my husband's head off last night when he asked why I was in such a pissy mood. Here's a related post bar exam retail return story:

The week after the evil cursed results came out I went to return a fan at Fry's. Granted, past their 30 day limit. Appearantly, returning a $30 fan is a big to do. So after stating 5 times that I was returning it because it was too loud, the guy finally comes back from talking to bitchy manager several times and slaps a reduced price sticker on it. However, I notice that the "reduced price" is $37.99 and I paid $29.99 for the stupid thing. Hmmm....

He then proceeds to hand me a piece of paper that it supposed to be a credit. Under normal cricumstances, I would just take it and buy some crap I don't need. BUT, since I was already pissed off at the world, I said with a smile and I believe not too loudly, "Why can't you just credit my card? You are appearantly making money off of me returning this thing." I guess there was more volume and edge to my voice because the clerk put his hands out in front of him, nervously smiled and said "It's OK ma'am, it's ok ma'am, just a moment" like I was a rabid dog frothing at the mouth. I really didn't think I had raised my voice that much. SO bitchy manager comes over and in her bitchiest voice with her bitchiest expression, bitches "You returned it more than 30 days, this is our policy." (It was 37 days after I originally bought it). I figured it might benefit me to loudly proclaim that Fry's jacks up prices of their fans 30% once the weather gets warm, so I again say "But you are MAKING MONEY from this transaction! You can't possibly credit my credit card?" She give me her best bitch face and signs and authorization to credit my credit card. The original clerk guy was so afraid of me at this point that he walked me over to a cashier and had her help me immediately, apologizing all the while.

I really did not think I was making enough of a fuss to warrant that much fear of me exploding. But I guess I had already entered into bar exam short fuse, fragile and impatient mode.

This week: Tuesday (and already late for work) I drove through a gas station car wash that promptly tore off my side review mirror in the course of vigorous washing. The concept of Res Ipsa was totally lost on Alfredo the gas station attendant. We'll see how that all pans out once I talk to a manager...

Blawgin' said...

Last Call,
OMG. I can't believe your side mirror got torn off. As if you needed that!

I think perhaps it's best that I'm not around people these days...but then if you're alone too much, then you get depressed. SIGH. It's a no win situation...

BTW, do you have a blog? You should!

Emily said...

I give:

May this make me study more...

Anonymous said...

"4. My boss keeps giving me stuff to do every time our eyes meet. I'm afraid to see him."

Oh my gosh, I can totally relate. Mine just dumped a new assignment on me at 4 pm on a Friday. I swear he's just pissed because I'm leaving early. I'm just going to blow off the assignment until next week. What is he going to do, fire me? Like that'd be such a horrible thing. I WANT to be fired so I can have more time to study!!!!!

Just do what I've been trying to do - avoid eye contact!!!

calbar blondie said...

I totally relate to #5. The ponytail look is getting really old! I scheduled a color appointment for this week, but only because the 39th birthday is coming up! One cannot have bad hair on one's birthday!!

Blonde Blogger said...

I have a list exactly like yours!!!