Wednesday, June 27, 2007

It's Not Fair.

Amazingly, I've been doing somewhat well in my Evidence MBEs and scoring around 70% despite the fact that I haven't reviewed Evidence yet. I think it's because I studied for it at length last time, knowing it was going to be an essay. I didn't do so well on that essay though. Maybe the MBEs are a little easier, because if I see an answer choice, it jogs my memory and I can tell it looks right, but I have a hard time just pulling out the rules and writing about them in an essay. I don't know...but it makes me feel better about my Property score, which was a 35%!! I mean geez...I think I could have chosen all Cs and statistically scored higher than that.

I'm also going through Civ Pro. I'm not creating new outlines, but working on the ones I have and reviewing them. I never realized how much time making outlines took. This frees me up to really review the substantive material and really understand the concepts as opposed to simply memorizing them.

A friend of mine who is with a very well respected bar tutoring company is of the opinion that NONE of the new subjects will be tested next month. He says that it wouldn't be fair if people who failed last time fail again. His reasoning is that if they test the new subjects AFTER July, then everyone is in the same boat, with the same number of subjects to study. Well, unless you fail July again...NO!! We won't go there.

But really, are the bar examiners what one would call fair? Fair is not letting us go through law school and $150K in debt only to bar our only avenue of practicing. Fair is letting us take some damn water into a 3 day test. Fair is not testing Con Law Commercial Speech two exams in a row. And most of all, fair is not having a 36% pass rate!!!


calbar blondie said...

I will place bets that there will be at least one in a crossover or with the regularly-tested subject. I'm thinking it will be Civpro, but we have to be ready for anything. A and P can be tested with PR, and Evidence can go with crimpro, the list goes on..

Blonde Blogger said...

Amen, sistah......

Emily said...

I don't think the Bar Examiners have the word fair in their vocabulary.

My money's on CivPro being tested, especially since it hasn't been tested in a while. The CA portion of BarBri's outline was thin compared to CivPro, so maybe those bastards know something.