Friday, June 29, 2007


Happy Birthday Blondie!

Congratulations on running 10 miles, Blonde Blogger!

Just a couple of shout outs. =) As a follow up to yesterday, I don't know for SURE if I've been found out, but I know internet activity has been tracked. I actually don't care anymore, because I haven't said anything about the job, really, I'll be outta there soon, and I can always find a job that I enjoy much more.

TGIF, everyone. Seriously. I'm just so happy to be able to sleep in tomorrow. Is there anything more wonderful than the feeling of waking up in the morning, feeling frantic and wondering if you've overslept, then realizing that it's the weekend and you can sleep in??? Some exciting stuff to look forward to this weekend: Picking up my hemmed Paige jeans from the tailor, as well as my black Bermuda shorts. Original hems on the jeans, folks. It looks SO much better. Going to rent Casablanca on DVD. I've never seen it! I am the biggest romance junkie, so I have high expectations for this one. Yoga lesson on Sunday. Must. Learn. To. Relax. And finally, gonna get in a couple yummy meals -- mac and cheese and sushi? Not together of course.

And meanwhile, I will be trying to read through Civ Pro, Corps, and Evidence. And do a Civ Pro essay. And as many MBEs as possible. I do them in sets of 17 and review the answers after each one (that's how Micromash is set up). Then I have this word document set up like an ongoing table on split screen and I type in the rule in flashcard format if I missed the question or I got lucky. I plan on printing this out near the end and reviewing them. So far, the method seems to be working. I've hit Evidence, Crim Pro, and Property (a little) on the MBES. Afraid to do Contracts, but I will soon.

Here's hoping I hit the books hard this weekend!!

1 comment:

calbar blondie said...

Yoga will do wonders for you! The relaxed feeling stays with you throughout the day. What type of yoga class are you attending?

Thank you for the birthday wishes. I'm back to study mode time is officially over!