Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Results Are In.

I suck on the MBEs. I'm actually too ashamed to put it down here, for fear that it'll be real. Suffice it to say that I need to hit the Micromash software, hard. CalBar Blondie posted a comment about how the MBEs are very important, and I have to agree! I mean, I always thought so and all, but I get caught up in the whole, "It's only 35% of the grade" mentality. I got involved in this whole intensive essay tutoring thing last time and completely neglected the MBEs. As a result, my scores kinda plummeted. I think I did maybe a few hundred MBEs. The scale was much higher though, so my scaled scored seemed a bit bitter in comparison to my raw score.

On the bright side, my essay scores improved. I even got a 75 on the Wills question! And considering I wrote NOTHING about easements on Property, I was lucky to pull a 60. My evidence question was an all time low, coming in at 52.5, my lowest essay score ever. And I actually studied Evidence because I knew it was going to be on the exam. The never before seen format of the question completely unnerved me.

The sad thing is, if you combine my essay score this time, and the MBE score last time, I would pass! Yes, it took me a while to figure out the calculations, but I did it to cheer myself up. Remember in SAT II how there was the score choice option and you could pick your highest score? I would like to implement that option for the CA Bar!

Now, more than ever, I am determined to rock this thing. The past bar exam was notoriously difficult. I did not feel prepared and I did not feel good walking out (but one never really does, hmm?) . And I still scored in the 1400s. Which means I can do it this time around.

It's like being $1 short at the best sale of your life.


calbar blondie said...

You should be very proud of yourself! You are on the verge of passing, and can certainly grab the gold ring this time around! If you had a 52.5, that sounds like an averaging on a score in re-read. Obviously, if you were over 1390 you were in look at it this way, you were in an almost-pass category. So close.

I just got the Strategies and Tactics for the MBE book off ebay(per Frustrated Bar Examinee's suggestion). The ebay merchant who sold it to me had CIRCLED almost every answer in the book in ballpoint pen! So, I'm busy here with the white-out pen. But it does look like a good practice book, and the simulated exam was not marked up.

Blonde Blogger said...

Good for you!! I know you are going to kick ass next time....I am afraid to look at that damn yellow sheet again....what raw score on the MBE's did we need to pass that part of it? And I have completely blocked out my essay scores. They must have been pretty bad. But I do know I kicked ass on the PT's....what-EVER!!

calbar blondie said...

ok all, I just started my new blog. It is under construction at come over and tell me how you like it.

Anonymous said...

I had the same problem - if I would have kept my MBE from last July I would've passed in February! So frustrating...