Saturday, June 16, 2007

I guess being a homophobe can get you fired

Dr. Burke will not be returning to the cast of Grey's Anatomy next season. For many, this is old news! Apparently, he was said to have been very upset when he was informed that his contract was not going to renewed.

They set it up rather nicely when they had Christina return to the apartment after being jilted, only to find all of Burke's personal possessions gone. I wonder how they'll explain his disappearance? Will he embark on a journey cross-country to "find" himself? Or better yet, will he join Addison in Santa Monica?! That would be funny. And what about McDreamy? Will they no longer be reluctant, manly BFFS fishing together and exchanging wry, witty remarks about their respective relationships with their interns?

Although I believe his comments were inappropriate and downright mean, I do commend his efforts to redeem himself. Anger management classes, public service announcements, and numerous apologies seem sufficient. I mean, really.

At least he didn't call anyone a "knappy headed ho."

1 comment:

Blonde Blogger said...

I was not suprised by this either. But Mother of God, what the hell are they going to do on that show next season? I am having an almost visceral reaction to the younger, hotter Grey. I will have a heart attack if McDreamy morphs into McStupid and hooks up with her.....I could literally talk about my disappointment with the season finale all day.....ugh. Christina and Callie? Huge disappointments as well!!