Friday, February 23, 2007

I can't sleep

I've been laying in bed since 4:30 AM, wide awake, so I've decided to just get up. UGH! The insomnia and itchiness has begun. I don't know if anyone else experiences it, but I "stress itch." Well, to be concise, I "bar exam stress itch." During law school, before my wedding, and any other potential major and big events in my life during which I experience stress, I don't itch. It's only when I study for the bar.

So here I am, 6:47 in the morning, waiting for the pharmacy to open, because I'm going to have to break down and get some Sonata and give it a trial run before the exam. I've taken it before (last summer) but haven't had any recently. I know I'm supposed to try to get on the sleep pattern of waking up at 8:00 well rested and ready for a day of testing, but that's just not going to happen. My strategy has changed to getting as much normal sleep as possible beforehand so that I can get through the testing with funky sleep patterns.

At least Meredith didn't die yesterday. Not that I thought she would...but you never know. I didn't think Marisa would be killed off on the OC, but she was! Speaking of which, it was the season finale of the OC last night. I've actually liked this season a lot more than when Marisa was around. Not so much crazy drama and angst. Plus, you got to see Ryan relax, instead of running around trying to sort out Marisa drama. It was a pleasant end to the show, with everything being wrapped up, but it was really quick. A lot of information in one hour. They should have put it in 2 hours. Seth and Summer got married after they let each other go to find themselves or whatever, and Julie Cooper went to college! Yay for Team Julie. Ryan went to Berkeley, thank goodness, and seems to still be with Taylor. All in all, a sweet end to the show.

OMG, I am so itchy. This completely sucks. I guess I should start my Torts day now, since I'm up and will probably need a nap later in the day. Hoping everyone else is faring better!


Anonymous said...

At least you fell asleep. I, on the other hand, watched hours go by... wishing, praying "sleep, sleep, PLEASE!!" It worked - at 4:30 AM

Then, me in my infinate wisdom decided to download the pilot of Lost. Yes, I know I'm like 3 seasons behind but I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Mistake.

Now today, my schedules all messed up. Half the day is over and I haven't started, YET. Do I really think I'll commit stuff to memory on 3 hours.

Hang in there. It's almost over!

N said...

Anon - We all do stupid things. Hey, I've barely been studying for the last two months, even though I already failed once!

At this point, you memorize what you can. Go for the big picture, and then take your chances within each subject, learning only what you are really weak on, and/or what you think will show up. I learned a lot on the last day last time. I didn't pass, but I was started from pretty much nothing.

For you both - I highly recommend Tylenol PM or Unisom. They aren't that strong, but they work for me. But if Sonata worked for you and still does, then, by all means, use it. I do recommend having a friend or family member check on you each morning though.

blawin' - I really really dry skin all the time. It's in my genes. I was the only teenager I knew who had little acne and used facial moisturizer. I used baby oil on my skin, but the lavender kind, so I don't have that baby oil smell. Or, you can just use a really good body wash and lotion. I think Dove body wash is really moisturizing, and most body lotions on the market, e.g. Dove, Olay, Vaseline Intensive Care, Jergens, Nivea, are really good. Don't get one that too liquidity though; they tend to not be that strong. I used a citrus-smelling lotion (courtesy of the Marriott) during the Bar last time, and I really liked it. Made me feel more awake.

As you can see, I have tried a lot of lotions over the years. =) Sometimes I think I should have gone into cosmetics marketing instead of going to law school!

N said...

Oh, I forgot to say, I'm glad Meredith didn't die too! I kept on saying, "They can't kill Grey of Grey's Anatomy, can they?" But you're right, anything can happen. =)