Sunday, February 25, 2007

Here we go...

Tomorrow, I fly to Sacramento and check into my hotel. I don't know whether I'll have easy access to internet there, but if I do, I'll try to post.

My last thoughts as I go into this are a sense of panic because I feel millions of little rules becoming murky, and a sense of determination to pass this exam. I'm afraid to shake my head too hard or focus on anything too much for fear that the law will fall out. But, at this point, it's important to remember that we can only do what we can. Regardless of whether you've studied your ass off and feel fully prepared or feel scared and unsure, there is nothing more we can do. A defeatist and negative attitude will only result in attracting the very thing we feel (failure) and depriving us of much needed confidence and sleep.

I plan on reviewing Evidence for a couple of hours and doing some MBEs. I'll go to bed by 12:00 and wake up around 8:30 and pack. Airport at 12:30 and then settling into the hotel. Study for about 3 hours -- general overview of weak areas -- followed by a good workout at the hotel and room service. Pop a Sonata around 10:00, and then -- it's Tuesday morning.

You can do this. We've already accomplished a tremendous amount. Best of luck, everyone!


Blonde Blogger said...

YOU CAN TOTALLY DO THIS!!! I am pulling for you and will be thinking of you....I love reading your thoughts and can't wait to hear your take on what goes on in Sac.....good luck, my friend!!

N said...

Hey, don't know if you'll get this before Tuesday, but take care. You've studied a lot; now it's go time. =) And then we'll be done!!!