Friday, November 16, 2007

How are you going to spend your day?

I (unfortunately) remember this day well. It felt surreal last time. I went to spa, got a massage, and tried to relax. It didn't work.

So this time, I'm not going to a spa. What's the point? I'm too anxious. Best to just go when I can thoroughly enjoy it, which is NOT now. So, in the morning, I'm taking the day off and going to get my teeth whitened after sleeping in as long as possible. I'm going to try Brite Smile. Then, I may do some boutique shopping along Robertson followed by yoga and running. I think subconsciously, the plan is to work on my physical appearance via beauty treatments, clothes, and exercise so as to have an alternative (aka become a stripper) should that-which-cannot-be-named happen. If using the brain doesn't work, I'm going to have to resort to baser measures.

This is a new low.

I don't even know what kind of nonsense I'm spewing. I've been like this all week, particularly today. I actually just want to shuffle out in my pjs to Blockbuster in the morning, rent some sappy DVDs, cover my windows, order a pizza, and zone out in front of my tv. I literally don't want to do anything except curl in my bed, eat, and watch tv. Tomorrow, I will be able to function again because this limbo will finally be OVER.

How are you guys holding up?


calbar blondie said...

I think you have the right idea:) Let me know how you like the Brite Smile treatment. I'm okay either way it goes tonight. I just want it OVER at this point. And NO, I have not picked up a book since July 26th, whenever that was!
Keep smiling!

The Grand Poobah said...

This is freaky. I had a tremendous feeling of accomplishment in the days following the exam. But right now I feel like my effort was weak. I could have done so much more preparing for that test. Blah.

Your massage idea sounds great. I think you should try to work that into your schedule! (;-)>

Emily said...

I'm pretending its any other day, hoping that will change my luck. Everytime I start to think about it I chant in my head "Third time's the charm. Third time's the charm. Third time's the charm."

Richard said...

2 hours and it will all be known! :(