Friday, March 02, 2007

It's Over.

Hey, so did I call PT B or what? It was a memo to my boss! said to be objective, but then it said to discuss how we got to our conclusions or something like that, and I took the whole thing to mean that we were to discuss the pros and cons of our case, strengths and weaknesses, likely outcomes, etc. like in the real world. So I did. I hope this is correct. I'm feeling a little weak on the last issue, regarding whether forfeiture violates Section 1600 because I kinda raced through that and said that it did, but on second thought, there's something in the cases that said it doesn't have to be because he could have exercised his options before...or something.

I can think of all kinds of things I messed up on. I can't think of a major one, but I muddled things a bit here and there throughout. This test was ludicrous compared to the last one. I so regret not passing the last time, because if those types of questions had been there this time, I would have kicked ass. On JDjive (a crap site, I know, but sometimes they have some good discussions), people were doing the post mortem on the bar and everyone was kinda all over the place but everyone agreed that this test was very difficult. So I guess that bodes well for the curve. Someone told me that they tested 11 out of the 14 subjects!!!! That is completely insane.

My one big question is whether Question 1 (property) discussed easements, covenants, and/or licenses. People have varying opinions. Overall, I must say that I felt like I didn't get everything perfect, or even close, but that it's going to all come down to the grading and the curve. I simply don't know what you need to have to get a 65-75. I mean, what if you mess up the law? Miss some minor issues? Can you get a 75? I just don't know how they determine it all. If it's "Well, she got the main ISSUES, and she messed up the law a bit, and missed a couple minor issues, okay, 65!" then I'd be okay I think. =)

As for the Sacramento Convention Center...well, I think we all have complaints about our bar sites. Not exactly associated with fond memories. It was my first time in Sac, and the two blocks I saw over the past 4 days makes me forever associate the entire city with trauma. Thankfully, my hotel was like 5 minutes from the test center -- we're talking from my room to my seat in the center! That was fabulous, given the weather and overall stress. The proctors were surprisingly spry -- they weren't a million years old this time, but a youthful 60-70! And of course, there's the nazi proctor who always insisted that my laptop paper lay horizontally, on the bottom and in a perfect 90 degree angle in my ziplock baggie on top of my cover sheets. The only truly horrible thing was the air conditioning that shot out of these massive ducts lined up on the ceiling on the center. It would just blow all this air, so hard that my hair and papers would rustle, and my fingers would freeze, I couldn't breathe, and I was just completely annoyed and cold. Imagine someone blowing a fan on you all day long while you're trying to concentrate. It sucked.

Last night, I rushed to the airport to get home, and looked forward to watching Grey's and Betty with husband. But of course, they were reruns. I thought about drinking, but strangely, the urge was not there. I'm slightly depressed and still wired I think. I went to sleep exhausted around 1:00 and woke up at 6:00. Couldn't fall asleep again.

It usually takes me a couple weeks to get back into the groove. I must now decide what kind of job to take and earn some money. I can't say that I feel good, but I don't feel terrible. I feel kind of...removed from it all. It is nice to not have to study though, and actually do other things without feeling bad. I'm thinking I'll go to the mall and maybe get a mani/pedi. And I have a birthday party tomorrow too.

Life goes on!

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