Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Yes, I'm studying for the bar!

You know...I'm probably being hyper-sensitive, but I find it supremely annoying when people interrupt my studying to ask me, "Are you studying for the bar?" And it's always people who have already taken, and passed, the exam. I'm tempted to reply, "No, I'm just doing this for FUN." The ones who are currently studying for it know better than to interrupt a person who's strung out on nerves and caffeine. They know because they're going through it themselves. And if they do speak, it's usually just a weary acknowledgment that we're all in hell together.

What possesses the people who have already passed to want to bother the less fortunate?

1. Smug superiority. Let's face it, people can be assholes. And as lawyers, this character trait is bred and encouraged along with competitiveness. As alarming and saddening as it may be, the sight of us toiling away makes them feel better about themselves.

2. Complete ignorance and a desire to talk. They've miraculously forgotten the horror of bar exam studying and, fueled by yet another undesirable attorney trait of wanting to impart knowledge to the masses, want to share their "tips" with you. This reason is marginally better than the above, but still reeks of sanctimonious bullsh*t.

3. Maybe they're hitting on me. This displays an utter lack of game. Look at me. I'm studying. It sucks. You know it sucks. Unless you're going for the whole, "vulnerable-prey-let's-move-in-for-the-kill-while-it's-weak" approach, isn't it completely obvious that I'm not really looking for love right now???

You know, and I know, that when people are studying for the bar, the default approach is to let them have their peace. As with a wild animal, you may cautiously approach, but you let us sniff you out and IF, and only if, we display some sign of welcome, do you initiate anything. Because we're not stable right now. We've more than likely put aside our social grace. And our world consists of 14 subjects, none which involve your hilarious adventure trying to get your fans fixed at Sears.


Richard said...

hehe - so true! I keep trying to tell myself there is actually 15 subjects, the last one being the MPT, just to renew focus on that but it's like - isn't 14 enough?!?!

calbar blondie said...

I have the same thing happen with former law school classmates; the ones who have passed. Some, not all, try to lend me their "theories." When one quizzed me what I was doing to prepare, she responded by telling me I was running the danger of using too many resources. Then, another guy tried to tell me you don't have to learn rule statements because all they really want is analysis. I feel like telling some of these people to take a hike. I think most of us are just doing what we can to pass, and leaving no stone unturned in the process. What could possibly be wrong with that!

GC said...

The worst is when a family member (who never went to law school let alone taken a bar exam before) tries to tell you how to study! My dad did that. Ugh.